Wow, already a new year. A new decade. A fresh start, right? Isn't that how we are all supposed to view the "new year?" Time to find that resolution - now is the time to eat healthy, get fit, organize your house, save money, basically be a better person. Right? Right. And really, I guess this is as good a time as any to really sit and focus on what your life is. What direction are you going? Is it a good path? Will it lead you to where you want to be in the end?
This year, more than others I've been trying to gain some insight into what my real life goals are. Probably my number one goal - to be a good representative of Christ. Of his mission here. I wonder if other people see Christ in me, if they see goodness, faithfulness, love.
Another area I have thought about is my family. Am I the best wife I could be? 2009 kind of sucked in my marriage, if I'm being honest. I have to own up to my part in that. And I'm sure my mothering could sure use some work, too. Was I too harsh, not stern enough? Did I show my children that I love them every single day?
The third area I want to focus on in 2010 is my body. If you listen to the old adage that says your body is a temple... youch. I'm not very respectful of that temple! I want to get healthy this year - slow, small changes will add up to big success in this area, I think.
And the final area of my life filled with resolutions - money. UGH Wouldn't everyone rather just spend money on all the fun stuff without regard to their mortgage, electric or water bill or health costs? I sure would! Instead, I'm taking part in a challenge this month with some friends. This month we are going to "eat out of our pantries" and REALLY cut down on our grocery bills. I love a good challenge, so this should start the year off right for me. I am going to adopt the envelope system for groceries, gas and eating out/entertainment. The weekly budget will be put in the envelopes, and when the cash is gone, it's gone! This will lead to greater savings and less stress for me!
Ok, and one last goal. To blog. Seriously - the amount of time between my blog posts is ridiculous. I'll set this as a bookmark on my new computer and will blog at least once a week. Could be about the boys, the MOFIA, budgeting/couponing, crafts - who knows. But I'll be here!
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