Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Intro - A Day In The Life...

A day in the life... Where do I begin?

I have three boys, who I'll refer to as C1, C2, and C3. C1 is in kindergarten, C2 turns four years old in a few days, and C3 is my baby. My perfect, loving, cuddly, cute baby who does no wrong - yet! I stay at home with them, but also watch a one year old five days a week. Soon, I'll be watching a four year old girl, too. Yes, I am crazy! I love kids, though and I really enjoy keeping other people's kiddos, for the most part. Every single day brings a new adventure for me - sometimes good, sometimes not so good. In the not so good times, I struggle to keep my sanity and stay calm with my boys.

Besides my super important job of raising my boys, I am also the coordinator of the MOFIA - Moms of Faith In Action. I absolutely LOVE this group of ladies! I was in MOPS last year at my church and I feel like they saved my life. Really. I was probably on the edge of losing my mind last year. I felt so overwhelmed every day and didn't know what to do. So this year when the group changed names and our coordinator stepped down, I wanted to step up. I pray that I can help other overwhelmed moms to know they have a safe haven. A place to come where they will build lasting friendships and find comfort in the hard times.

In my spare time (ha ha) I try to sew, scrapbook (just starting), craft, and now will be blogging.